Easy Christmas Candy, These Tropical SugarPlums Will Become a Favorite!

Thanksgiving is just around the corner.  And then before you know it, Christmas. And time to start thinking about your Christmas baking.  I have already started to pick up my candy and cookie supplies. Every year my daughters and I try to get together one day, a week or two before Christmas to bake or make easy Christmas candy. 

Honestly, we just do it to have a girls’ day. My oldest daughter brings the wine. So we drink wine, bake or make candy and have a good time.  Do you have any baking or making candy traditions? Have you found that there are certain cookies, candies, or other baked goodies that you seem to only make at Christmas?

The only time I make this easy Christmas candy, Tropical Sugarplums, is at Christmas time. Why they are called sugar plums, I have no idea. According to Wikipedia, sugar plums are small hard candies. The Tropical could be the coconut in the recipe.  All I know is that this easy Christmas candy is so good. No way can you eat just one or two or….

I love cookbooks.  I also love trying new recipes. When I bought this cookbook many years ago and came across this easy Christmas candy, I knew I just had to try it. 

 It has fast become a favorite and I make it every year now.  When the holidays are near everyone starts asking me when I am going to make those “sugar plum thingys”.  And the great part,  they are so easy to make.  And boy do I love easy.  

Dates, cherries, and gingersnaps, all Christmas favorites in one great candy to tempt the palate.  Yum!  I love just about anything that has cherries in it. 

 But add the dates and gingersnaps and it just screams Christmas.  You will have tropical sugar plums dancing in your head.

I can’t wait to use my homemade vanilla.

easy Christmas candy

Tropical SugarPlums

This easy Christmas candy is so good you will have sugar plums dancing in your head
Course candy
Cuisine American


  • Large skillet


  • 1/2 cup vanilla baking chips
  • 1/4  cup light corn syrup
  • 1/4 cup chopped maraschino cherries, well drained
  • tsp vanilla
  • 1/4 tsp rum extract
  • 1 1/4 cups crushed gingersnaps
  • 1/2 cup flaked coconut
  • 1/2 cup chopped dates


  • Combine vanilla chips and corn syrup in a large skillet. Cook over low heat until chips are melted and smooth
  • Stir in dates, cherries, vanilla and rum extract until well blended. Add gingersnaps, stirring until well blended. Mixture will be stiff.
  • Form mixture into 3/4-inch balls and roll in coconut. Place in small petit four cups.


Makes about 2 dozen candies.
You can serve them immediately but in my opinion, they taste better the next day.  All those flavors will have had a chance to blend.  Store in an air-tight container. But trust me, they won’t last long. 

Final Thoughts

When I first started making these, I crushed the gingersnaps with a rolling pin.  Well, let me tell you that I have gotten smarter in my old age.  I now crush those babies in my hand dandy food processor that sits on my counter.  So much easier.  Too bad I never thought of that in the beginning.  I also double this recipe.  If I don’t I am making more in a couple of days.  

 I know this post is short but why beat around the bush? If you are like me you just want to get to the good stuff. I hope you like this easy Christmas candy and I am sure that it will become a favorite that you will make year after year.

Please leave me a comment below with your thoughts. What do you make every Christmas?

Keep On Baking


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