About Taianne

Hi there and welcome to We Are Baking. I am Taianne, the owner of this website and I love to bake.

Why We Are Baking

My first adventure with baking was when I was 11 years old. I got up in the middle of the night and baked a cake for my mom and dad’s anniversary.  Nothing fancy.  I used 2 tootsie pops on the top of the cake for decoration. 

After that my fascination with baking kinda faded away for a while as my interests were just being a kid.

But the love of baking came back when I married. You see, my husband loves apple pie and I had never baked a pie before. My first attempt, I have to be honest was a wreck.  I have improved since then, I promise.

I love trying new recipes as well as tweaking a few to my taste.

Baking Is Really A Science

With baking, you really have to be precise.  The right ingredients and the right measurements otherwise you will have a disaster on your hands. Every ingredient in a baked good has a certain role to play and you have to know what ingredient can be substituted with what. 

And I love a challenge.  I don’t always win but I love trying until I do get it right.  I have learned many tricks and tips along the way and I want to share them with you.

My Goal

We all have questions when it comes to baking.  “Can I use this instead of that?”  “Why does this happen?” and so many more. 

I want to help you with these questions and share with you some of my favorite recipes as well.  Who knows you may find a new favorite recipe. 

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,


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