What Can I Substitute For Sweetened Condensed Milk?

Running low on sweetened condensed milk or looking for a dairy-free swap? No problem. There are plenty of alternatives that’ll keep your desserts on point. Evaporated milk and sugar, heavy cream and sugar, or even coconut cream can all be easy substitutes. Each one brings its own special touch of texture and sweetness. Let’s explore how you can make the most of these stand-ins in your baking adventures.

What Is Sweetened Condensed Milk?

substitute for sweetened condensed milk

Sweetened condensed milk is milk that has had most of its water removed, with sugar added in for sweetness and preservation. This creamy, sweet mixture plays a key role in a variety of desserts, from fudges and pies to the creamy centers of chocolates and the base of homemade dulce de leche.

You’re probably looking at your cupboard, wishing for a can of sweetened condensed milk to appear. While it might not magically show up, don’t let that stop you. There are quite a few tricks for working around this. Whether you’re eager to try a new recipe or want to make do with what you have, knowing how to substitute sweetened condensed milk can really save the day.

What to Use Instead

So, you’ve hit a bump—no sweetened condensed milk is in sight. That’s not a problem because there are options.

Evaporated milk and sugar

Mix 1 cup of evaporated milk with ⅔ cup of sugar, and you’ve got a cup of homemade sweetened condensed milk. It’s great for keeping the consistency close to the original, although it might be a tad less sweet. Perfect for when you want that similar texture without the overpowering sweetness.

Heavy cream and sugar

Simmering heavy cream with sugar (about a 2:1 ratio) thickens it up nicely, giving you a lush, creamy substitute. It’s ideal for recipes where you want a bit more decadence. Plus, you can adjust the sweetness to your liking. If you’re after something a bit richer, this is your pick

Coconut cream

Coconut cream works great if you want a dairy-free alternative or add a tropical twist to your dessert. Use it cup-for-cup in place of sweetened condensed milk. Its unique flavor might just be the perfect addition.

🔄 Substitute Comparison for Sweetened Condensed Milk 🍯

Substitute Adjustment & Amount Flavor Impact
🥛 Evaporated Milk + Sugar 1 cup evaporated milk + ⅔ cup sugar Closely mimics original in sweetness and texture.
🍦 Heavy Cream + Sugar Simmer 2 cups heavy cream + 1 cup sugar until thickened Richer and thicker, adds a creamy texture.
🌴 Coconut Milk Use 1:1 as needed; add sugar if more sweetness is desired. Adds a tropical flavor, great for dairy-free options.
Brought to You by wearebaking.com

Each of these substitutes saves the day and adds a touch of personal flair to your creations. If you’re changing things up for different diets or just working with what’s in your kitchen, you can always get that sweet, creamy taste in your baked treats. So, why not play around with these swaps? You could stumble upon a new go-to recipe twist that you totally love.

Make It Yourself

Are you feeling bold and want to make your own sweetened condensed milk? It’s not as tricky as it sounds. Here’s an easy recipe to whip up a batch at home:

Mix 3 cups of whole milk with 1 cup of sugar in a saucepan. Heat the mixture over medium heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Once the sugar is completely dissolved, add a tablespoon of butter for that extra silky texture. Then, reduce the heat and let the mixture simmer gently. Keep an eye on it, stirring occasionally, until it reduces by about half and takes on a thick, creamy consistency. This might take some time, but trust me, it’s worth it for that homemade touch.

Making your own sweetened condensed milk adds a personal touch to your desserts and allows you to adjust the sweetness according to your preference. Plus, there’s something satisfying about making it from scratch. Give it a try; you might prefer your version over the store-bought cans!

A note regarding the butter: The primary ingredients of sweetened condensed milk are milk and sugar, so you can make your own sweetened condensed milk without adding the butter. The butter mainly adds a bit of richness and a smoother texture to the final product.

Whether to omit the butter really depends on your recipe. I like to make my macaroni salad with sweetened condensed milk, and I found that the butter was just a little much.

Tips for Using Alternatives

When you’ve got the ideal substitute for sweetened condensed milk or have made a batch from scratch, it’s time to use it in your baking. These handy tips will help ensure that your treats turn out just as yummy as if you’d used the classic ingredient.

First, consider how sweet your substitute is. If you’ve made it yourself or you’re using one of the swaps we talked about, it might be sweeter or less sweet than the stuff from the can. So, you might need to change how much extra sugar you add to your recipe. Give it a taste as you’re mixing, and you’ll figure out the perfect balance in no time.

Think about how thick or thin your substitute is. Some options, like mixing evaporated milk and sugar, might be a little runnier than sweetened condensed milk. But if you’re using heavy cream, it could be thicker. These little differences in consistency can change how your dessert turns out. If your substitute is on the thin side, try using a bit less of the other liquids in your recipe to even things out. If it’s thicker, adding a splash more liquid can help get the balance just right.

The whole point is to have fun and enjoy what you make. Playing around with different substitutes will make you a more flexible baker and help you learn new skills in the kitchen. Each stand-in brings something special to the table in terms of taste and texture, so you might just find a new go-to trick or ingredient that you never would’ve thought of before.

Options for Special Diets

Learning to use different ingredients instead of sweetened condensed milk doesn’t just make you a better baker – it also opens up a whole new world of dessert possibilities for people with different dietary needs. Whether you or someone you’re baking for is vegan, can’t have lactose, or wants to skip the dairy, plenty of swaps mean nobody has to miss out on the yummy stuff.

If you’re looking for options without dairy, you can find or make condensed milk that’s totally vegan-friendly. One trick that’s pretty popular is using coconut milk since it’s already super rich and creamy. All you have to do is mix a can of full-fat coconut milk with about a quarter to a half cup of sugar, depending on how sweet you like things. Let that simmer until it’s reduced by half and boom – you’ve got vegan sweetened condensed milk ready to go for your baking needs.

Another option is almond milk, but it’s a bit thinner so you might need to add a little cornstarch to help thicken it up to the right consistency. This is a great choice if you like a nutty taste or want something that’s not quite as heavy.

These swaps are great for different diets and can also add a fun new twist to your baked treats. The subtle taste of coconut or almond can really make your recipes stand out. Plus, playing around with these alternatives can be a fun little challenge that gets you thinking outside the box when it comes to your favorite recipes.

🌿 Special Diets Substitutes with Amounts 🍽️

Diet Type Substitute & Amount Notes
🌱 Vegan Coconut Milk (1 cup) Can be used 1:1 for many recipes; add sugar if more sweetness is needed.
🚫 Dairy-Free Almond Milk (2 cups) + Sugar (1 cup) + Cornstarch (1-2 Tbsp) Thicken with cornstarch over heat, providing a lighter, nutty flavor.
🍯 Low Sugar Evaporated Milk (1 cup) + Sugar Substitute (to taste) Use a sugar substitute to achieve desired sweetness without adding sugar. Ideal for those managing sugar intake.
Brought to You by wearebaking.com

At the end of the day, baking is all about getting creative and making things work for you. When you try out different swaps for sweetened condensed milk, especially ones that work for different diets, you’re not just changing up a recipe – you’re making it more accessible and enjoyable for everyone. So go for it, give these options a whirl, and watch as the people in your life love and appreciate your baking even more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions about substituting sweetened condensed milk? You’re in good company. Here’s a quick guide to some frequently asked questions with answers that will help you seamlessly adjust your baking projects.

  • Can I use regular milk instead of sweetened condensed milk?
    Unfortunately, regular milk isn’t a suitable substitute for sweetened condensed milk because it lacks the thickness and sweetness needed for most recipes that call for sweetened condensed milk. Sweetened condensed milk is reduced and sugar-added, giving it a unique consistency and flavor profile that regular milk can’t replicate.
  • Will the substitute change the taste of my recipe?
    Yes, substitutes can slightly alter the taste of your recipe, but the impact depends on what you use. Evaporated milk combined with sugar is the most neutral option and mimics the original taste closely. On the other hand, coconut cream will introduce a tropical flavor, which might be a delightful twist but is definitely more noticeable. Each substitute brings its own character to the dish, allowing for a range of culinary experimentation.
  • How can I store leftover homemade sweetened condensed milk?
    If you’ve made more sweetened condensed milk than needed, no worries. It can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week. Ensure the container is sealed well to maintain freshness and prevent the milk from absorbing other flavors from the fridge. This way, you can enjoy your homemade sweetened condensed milk in various recipes throughout the week.

Final Thoughts

Keep in mind that baking is just as much about trying new things as it is about sticking with what you know. Whether you’ve used up all your condensed milk or baking for people with different dietary needs, these substitutes give you more options and let you get creative with your baking. From the simple combo of evaporated milk and sugar to the decadence of homemade sweetened condensed milk, each alternative gives you a unique way to get the sweetness and texture you want in your desserts.

Don’t just think of these substitutes as backup plans – think of them as chances to personalize your recipes and maybe even make them better than the originals. Playing with sweetness levels, trying dairy-free options, or mixing things up can make a regular baking session fun. And who knows? Maybe your take on a classic treat will become everyone’s new favorite.

What’s your go-to substitute for sweetened condensed milk, or do you have a special twist on these alternatives? Please leave me a comment below.

And As Always

Keep On Baking!


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