The Best Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookie Recipe Ever

Did you know that America’s favorite cookie is the chocolate chip? One of my favorites is chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. My mom made them frequently when I was a child. She used a standard chocolate chip cookie recipe and just added oatmeal to the dough/batter. Of course, it is a no-no but I licked the cookie dough bowl and spoon after she was finished placing the cookie dough onto the cookie sheets:) Then I found the best chocolate chip oatmeal cookie recipe, and now it is a family favorite.

My son even makes this chocolate chip oatmeal cookie recipe quite frequently for his family. It is one of the recipes I make at Christmas every year.

Honestly, I don’t remember where I got the recipe, but there is a story behind it. An interesting one at that. I am not sure if it is the truth or just hype. It really doesn’t matter to me one way or the other because it really is the best chocolate chip oatmeal cookie recipe ever. I am going to share the story and the recipe with you and let you be the judge.

The Story

A woman and her daughter had lunch at a well-known department store after shopping. For dessert, they ordered the cookie the department store restaurant was known for. The woman loved the cookie and asked for the recipe. The waitress told her no. She then asked if she could buy the recipe.  The waitress responded, “Yes, for two-fifty.” The woman told the waitress to add it to her bill.

One month later, when she received the bill, what she thought was supposed to be $2.50 was actually $250.00. She called the department store, stating she would return the recipe and wanted a refund for the $250.00.  She was told that wasn’t possible. So she decided that since she paid for it she was going to share the recipe with everyone.

My family actually calls this recipe the $250.00 cookie.

What Kind Of Oats Are Best For Cookies

Old fashioned or rolled oats will make a nutty, chewing texture and flavor to your cookies.  They are thicker and heartier than quick( instant oats). And hold up better. Instant oats aren’t recommended for baking because they disintegrate easily when they’re mixed in.

The recipe doesn’t specify what type of oatmeal to use.  I buy the old-fashioned oats. In the recipe, you will blend the oats to a powdery consistency.

What Causes Your Cookies To Be Flat

The most likely culprit will be butter. The butter is either too soft or even melted. This makes cookies spread. The other culprit- too little flour. Make sure of your measuring. If not enough flour is the issue, try adding 1-2 tablespoons of flour to the dough.

Why Are Your Oatmeal Cookies Gummy?

Eggs bind the ingredients and make for a moist, chewy cookie, But adding too many eggs can result in a gummy cake-like cookie.  On the other hand, by not adding enough eggs, you will have a dry, crumbly cookie.

Baking is a science.  The measuring of ingredients is very important.  They say practice makes perfect. Another great saying. If you don’t succeed at first, try, try again.

Do You Bake Cookies On The Top Or Bottom Rack

Actually neither.  The middle rack is the best for cookie baking.  You get the most even heat and air circulation, which helps with cooking consistency.

It’s so weird that the song lyric “We Meet in the Middle” popped into my head while typing the previous paragraph. But it actually sums up the meaning, don’t you think?

Why Blend The Oatmeal

The blended oatmeal changes the consistency of the cookies by making them softer while at the same time getting rid of big chunks of oats to make for more even baking.

The Best Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookie Recipe

(Or $250.00 Cookie Recipe)


  • 2 cups butter ( I just get the chill off) Not quite to room temperature
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2 cups packed brown sugar
  • 4 eggs at room temperature
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • 4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 5 cups blended oatmeal*
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 4 ounces of chocolate chips (occasionally, I use the mini chocolate chips).
  • 1 8-ounce Hershey bar (grated)
  • 3 cups chopped nuts


Cream the butter and both sugars. Add eggs one at a time until each one is fully incorporated, then add vanilla. Mix well, and then add the flour, blended oatmeal, salt, baking powder, and soda. After mixing then, add the chocolate chips, grated Hershey bar, and nuts.

Roll into balls and place 2 inches apart on a cookie sheet. The recipe does not state whether to grease the cookie sheet. I use silicone baking mats. Bake in a preheated 375-degree oven for 8 minutes. DO NOT OVERBAKE.

This recipe makes about 112 cookies.  I usually halve the recipe when making these cookies, except at Christmas.

*Measure oatmeal and blend in a food processor or blender to a fine powder.

I will also chill my cookie dough for at least 30 minutes prior to baking. This also is not specified in the original recipe.

Final Thoughts

I find that chilling the cookie dough makes it easier to roll in balls.  I will also use a small cookie scoop. This dough is very stiff, so you will need strong arms to mix it.  When I halve the recipe my KitchenAid stand mixer works wonderfully. Not so much when I make the full recipe. I bake them exactly for 8 minutes.  When they come out of the oven, they don’t look like they are done, but believe me, you do not want to overbake these cookies.

Honestly, this is the best chocolate chip oatmeal recipe ever. I do not use any other recipe. They are usually gone in a day or two but make sure you store them in an airtight container. My family absolutely loves these cookies. My son makes these cookies but he will leave out the chocolate chips.  NOT ME!

The only thing I dislike when making these cookies is grating the Hershey bar.  In my older years, I find that my wrists, arms, and hands have become weak:(  But I do not skip the Hershey bar. I just grin and bear it.

If you have never made these awesome cookies, I encourage you to give them a try.  Your family will thank you for it! And I honestly believe they will become a family favorite.

best chocolate chip oatmeal cookie recipe

Please leave me a comment below with your thoughts

An As Always

Keep On Baking!


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4 thoughts on “The Best Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookie Recipe Ever”

    • These cookies are amazing. My family absolutely loves them.
      My son bakes them for his family. I use the half sheet by Nordic ware. I also use a silicone mat. Cooking spray will eventually leave grease residue on your pan and it is a pain to get off. I hope this helped!


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